DnD Chess!


The current project is to create a unique feeling chess set by painting some pen-and-paper RPG miniatures. The idea is to follow a loose definition of racial alginment from DnD to populate the opposing sides of the chess board. This page is here to track which miniatures have been selected for each role so I can reference what I have in each slot while looking at new miniatures.

The Sides

One side, presumably the white side, will be populated from races that tend towards the 'lighter' alignments: LN, LG, NG.

The other side will be the antithesis. Races that tend towards chaotic or evil. These races include, but are not limited to, Tieflings,

Race Pool

The following loosely details where races should be assigned. There are exemptions from the generic rule.

These races should neatly fufill the role of pawn for both sides:

  • Halflings
  • Gnomes
  • Dwarves
  • Goblins
  • Kobolds

To prevent confusion, whichever race is selected for pawns for either side should be the only race used for pawns, and exclusively so.

These races will perform well for the non-royal pieces for either side.

  • Human
  • Elf
  • Orc
  • Half-Orc
  • Dragonborn (either chromatic or metallic, but not both)
  • Gith
  • Kenku

These races would be good picks for the royal pieces for either side.

  • Aasimar
  • Tiefling


  • As per the players hand book, elves tend toward chaotic alignments. While this works in the game its not well reflected within the assigned archetypes. As such, Elves are pulled into the good-side.
  • Humans tend toward neither particular side. So they may be picked for either side depending on the miniature available.
  • The same may also be said for dwarves. They tend towards lawful, but any particularly dur

Miniature Requirements

Selected minatures should fit the following requirements

  • Fit entirely within a 1" square space.
  • The royal races may be permitted to have reasonably sized rings, as they will be slightly elevated above the other pieces.
  • Be clearly identifiable at a glance

The Roles

Each chess piece will be assigned an easily identifiable role or class from DnD to make it easier to assess at a glance which piece is which on the board.

Pawns: any smaller model, any role is acceptable as long as race is consistent. Rooks: Any clearly identifiable warrior class (fighter, barbarian, etc) Knights: Rogue, or roguelike models from other classes (such as bard or ranger) Bishop: Any magic caster. Queen: Any female piece that fits its racial role well. King: Any male piece that fits its racial role well.

Color Themes

The evil side should tend towards darker color tones. Dark browns, reds, blacks, details the include blood splatters, etc.

The good side should tend towards lighter colors, with some contrasts. Yellows, golds, blues, whites, lighter grays, etc.

Currently Chosen Minatures

Good side

Pawns None
Rook A None
Rook B None
Knight A None
Knight B None
Bishop A None
Bishop B None
Queen None
King None

Evil side

Pawns None
Rook A /images/dnd_chess_evil_rook_a.jpg
Rook B /images/dnd_chess_evil_rook_b.jpg

(Still a massive WIP)

Knight A None
Knight B None
Bishop A None
Bishop B None
Queen None
King None